WDI has taken the initiative to ensure training is relevant and meaningful to the Petroleum Industry. This was only possible with our working coordination and support by Country’s leading Universities, Engineering Colleges and Technocrats from the Industry, as well as through our International association with the renowned training institutions.
In August 2001 a study showed that over 63% of oilrig workers are late 40’s and 50’s. This has set off alarms. Petroleum Producers are looking at what may happen over the next 10-15 years from now as those employees begin retirement. Operators and Drilling Contractors are looking at ways to attract new entrants to this field.
The Goal of WDI is very simple. “WE ARE COMMITTED TO THE CHALLENGE OF TRAINING THE YOUNGSTERS OF THE COUNTRY IN PREPARING THEM FOR THIS PRESENT AND FUTURE INDUSTRY”. To meet this goal, the Administration of the WDI has been very selective in their choice of instructors. All of our instructors come from engineering and operational backgrounds and have real world experience. Most important, they truly care about the needs and concerns of their students. We also limit our class size to 12-15 students. This allows the instructors to provide individual help to students when needed.
Rate our CREDENTIALS by reading the messages what some of the TOP EDUCATIONISTS of the Country have to say. You will see and realize the true need and importance of our task that we had to take in establishing WDI for the youngsters of the Country.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in WDI and hope to see you joining our training program.
Wishing you all the best, with your future endeavors.